Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: Introduction to Life Essentials - The Purushartha

  • 2

    Module 2: Dharma (Righteousness)

    • Chapter 1: First Purushartha - Dharma

    • Chapter 1a: Dharma (Righteousness) - Revision Notes

    • Chapter 1b: Dharma in a single statement

    • Chapter 2: Attributes of Dharma

    • Chapter 2a: Dharma Attributes Chart

    • Chapter 3: What is Not Dharma ?

    • Chapter 3a: Few attributes of that which is anti-dharma

    • Chapter 4: Significance of Dharma Understanding

    • Chapter 5: Difference between Individual (Sva-Dharma) and Universal Dharma

    • Chapter 5a: Individual (Sva) Dharma - Revision Notes

    • Chapter 6: Story of Dharma - Monk and a Scorpion

    • Chapter 7: Meditation on Light of Dharma

    • Lesson 8: Recommendation

    • Lesson 8a: Questions to contemplate on

    • Lesson 9: A quick reminder of Dharma definition

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    Module 3: Arth (Wealth)

    • Chapter 1: 2nd Purushartha - Pursuit of Arth (Wealth)

    • Chapter 1a: What is Arth (wealth)? - Revision Notes

    • Chapter 1b: The Divinity of Arth

    • Chapter 1c: Abundance - The Divine Attribute

    • Chapter 2: Let the pursuit of Arth be established in Dharma

    • Chapter 2a: Questions to contemplate on

    • Chapter 2b: Reality check

    • Chapter 2c: The flawed Economic Model

    • Chapter 3: One of the significant causes of 'Sense of Lack'

    • Chapter 4: A friend asked about 'Lack vs Flow'

    • Chapter 4a: Lack, Abundance & Flow

    • Chapter 5: Sense of Community vs Economics

    • Chapter 5a: Wealth can bring Suffering - Pointer

    • Chapter 5b: Reality Check

    • Chapter 5c: Collective Copyrights

    • Chapter 5d: Is money becoming a barrier?

    • Chapter 5e: Our idea of Wealth generation

    • Chapter 6: The Prevalent class system in England

    • Chapter 7: What happens if pursuit of Arth is not based on Dharma?

    • Chapter 7a: Reminder: Definition of Dharma

    • Chapter 7b: Beauty & Significance of Arth

    • Chapter 7c: Caution in the Pursuit of Wealth

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    Module 4: Kama (sense pleasure)

    • Chapter 1: 3rd Purushartha - Pursuit of Kama (Sense pleasures)

    • Chapter 1a: The Kama (sense pleasures)

    • Chapter 1b: Sense pleasures or Kama is like a beautiful door

    • Chapter 2: From entanglement to fulfillment - Food & Taste

    • Chapter 2a: Beauty of Kama

    • Chapter 2b: Significance of Kama

    • Chapter 3: What happens if the pursuit of Kama is not based on Dharma

    • Chapter 3a: Caution in the pursuit of ‘Kama’

    • Chapter 3b: Questions to contemplate on

    • Chapter 4: The flow of pursuits - one enables the other

    • Chapter 5: Meditation

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    Module 5 - Moksha (liberation)

    • Chapter 1: A recap of Dharma, Arth & Kama

    • Chapter 2: A deeper understanding of Relationships

    • Chapter 2a: We have a relationship with everyone and everything

    • Chapter 2b: Love is the Dharma

    • Chapter 2c: Why do relationships become cause of suffering?

    • Chapter 3: 4th Purushartha - pursuit of Moksha (Liberation)

    • Chapter 3a: Moksha - a unique word

    • Chapter 3b: How Arth & Kama leads to Moksha?

    • Chapter 3c: Reality check

    • Chapter 3d: Moksha - the ultimate liberation

    • Chapter 4: What are we liberating from?

    • Chapter 4a: What are we entangled with?

    • Chapter 4b: Liberating from our own mind stuff

    • Chapter 5: The origin of roots of entanglement

    • Chapter 6: Story of a heady moth

    • Chapter 7: Is Moksha the last pursuit?

    • Chapter 7a: Moksha is not the last pursuit

    • Chapter 7b: Sipping a cup of tea

    • Chapter 7c: Pursuit of Moksha makes the grip of Arth & Kama weak

    • Chapter 8: A glimpse of Moksha

    • Chapter 9: Remembrance of this highest pursuit

    • Chapter 9a: The beauty of this finest blue print - Purushartha

    • Chapter 10: And the last message

    • Chapter 11: The meditation

    • Chapter 12: A heartfelt thanks

    • Chapter 13: A bit about the poster & the prayer

    • Chapter 14: Q n A - Teaching must not be limiting

    • Chapter 15: Q n A - In pause you start to pay attention